


The journal ARTis ON has a new indexation:
REDBID - Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico

REDBID is a platform for scientific and academic content, in open access, produced in the Ibero-American context.

Bragança District
Mural Painting

The Património em Comum Project makes available online, on the website of the Direção Regional de Cultura do Norte, the mural painting inventory of four municipalities in the Bragança district - Miranda do Douro, Mogadouro, Alfândega da Fé and Torre de Moncorvo -, carried out in collaboration with ARTIS Investigator, Joaquim Inácio Caetano.


Al-Madan, n. 24, vol. I
Article by Franklin Pereira

Free access to the article by researcher Franklin Pereira, entitled "Briolanja, "moça solteira da cidade de Braga", escrava do guadamecileiro de D. João III", in volume I of Al-Madan online, n.24 (project of the Center of Archeology of Almada), dedicated to "Megalithic Art in Mamoa da Eireira".

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January 25th
School of Arts and Humanities teaches online
School of Arts and Humanities (FLUL) will return on January 25th, the day on which the second semester of classes begins, to a model of teaching entirely at a distance / online, both in undergraduate and master's courses, doctorate and other postgraduate courses. The only exception will be face-to-face assessment tests. The schedules and shifts of the undergraduate classes will remain the same.
Visits to the School must be reduced to what is absolutely necessary; safety distances must be maintained, and limitations on the capacity of spaces, particularly in research centers, must always be observed.
The measures now taken, on a temporary basis, may be aggravated. It is, however, FLUL's intention, as soon as the situation improves, to return to a mixed teaching model (for undergraduate degrees) and the face-to-face model (for other cases).
Read the statement from the Director of FLUL in full. University's dispatch. Ministry's communication

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December 30th, 2020
ARTis ON No. 10 (2020)

The new number of ARTis On, no. 10, dedicated to Assistance Architecture, is now available.

To consult see HERE

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Nº de registos : 180 ( 121 até 125 )